Legal Support and Rights

Last updated October 22, 2024

In light of the upcoming November 2024 election in the States, the following resources are amplified:

  • Project 2025 Exposed by GLAAD | Reveals the right-wing's planned takeover of the federal government through Project 2025, organized by the Heritage Foundation and over 100 partner organizations known for anti-LGBTQ policies. This initiative includes a comprehensive 180-day plan for regulations and executive orders aimed at dismantling LGBTQ rights, limiting reproductive freedom, and eradicating diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. The project poses a significant threat to democracy and minority rights in the U.S.

  • GLAAD Election Hub | Helps mobilize LGBTQ+ and allied voters and elect pro-equality candidates. It focuses on fair media coverage, voter education, and countering anti-LGBTQ messaging.

  • HRC Voting Center | Voting rights, registration deadlines, and guidance for specific groups, such as transgender voters and college students, all in support of building and protecting pro-equality majorities in government. Resources by state for getting local.

  • PFLAG Votes | Offers extensive voter education resources, including state-specific guidelines, important deadlines, and ballot navigation tips. Provides information on voting rights for trans/nonbinary individuals and disabled people, along with access to election protection hotlines. Features PFLAG Academy Online courses to empower and mobilize voters.

  • ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union | Works nationwide to protect the civil liberties of LGBTQ+ individuals. Key areas of focus include fighting discriminatory legislation, safeguarding transgender rights, and ensuring equal protection under the law for LGBTQ+ people in schools, workplaces, and public spaces.

  • ActionLink | Partners with CenterLink and LGBTQ-friendly organizations to provide free policy advocacy support to LGBTQ community centers. Helps nonprofits navigate policy changes, create unified action plans, and mobilize communities for systemic change.

  • AIC: Advocates for Informed Choice | Protecting the rights of children born with variations of sex anatomy.

  • A4TE: Advocates for Trans Equality | A4TE was founded in 2024 through the merger of the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF), two long-time champions for the trans community. A4TE fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America.

  • Basic Rights Oregon | Committed to achieving full equality for LGBTQ2SIA+ Oregonians through policy victories, public opinion shifts, and building an inclusive, politically powerful movement. They also form alliances with groups advocating for racial justice, immigrant rights, and reproductive justice to address the diverse needs of LGBTQ2SIA+ communities.

  • Connecting Rainbows | Connects LGBTQ+ families with attorneys and fertility specialists all over the US and Canada to make it easy to start, expand, and protect your family.

  • CTAC: Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition | Advocates for equal rights and opposes discrimination against trans and gender non-conforming individuals through education, activism, and grassroots organizing.

  • CSE: Campaign for Southern Equality | Works to ensure LGBTQ people in the South experience full equality by providing resources, advocacy, and support, particularly for transgender youth facing healthcare bans. Their initiatives focus on building community, funding grassroots organizing, and engaging in rapid response to political threats. Produces resources such as Trans in the South: A Guide to Resources and Services and Trans Youth Emergency Project.

  • Drag Out The Vote™ | Nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works with drag performers to promote participation in democracy.

  • EQCA: Equality California | Working toward LGBTQ+ civil rights at the local, state, and national levels.

  • Equaldex | Explore the progress of LGBTQ+ rights across the world.

  • Equality Federation | Accelerates LGBTQ+ advocacy by building power in state-based organizations to advance pro-equality policies and defeat anti-LGBTQ legislation nationwide

  • Family Equality | Advancing equality for LGBTQ+ families.

  • GALE: Global Alliance for LGBT Education | A learning community focusing on education about LGBT issues; includes an interactive map

  • Gender Justice LA | Grassroots organization empowering transgender and gender non-conforming individuals in Los Angeles, CA, through community organizing and leadership development to achieve racial, social, and economic justice.

  • GLAAD | Advocates for LGBTQ rights and cultural change through media representation, storytelling, and public dialogue to ensure fair and inclusive narratives that foster acceptance and understanding.

  • GLAD: Legal Advocates and Defenders | Legal advocacy organization that works to achieve equality and justice for LGBTQ+ individuals and those living with HIV through strategic litigation, public policy advocacy, and education. Serves New England area and nationally.

  • GSA Network | LGBTQ+ racial and gender justice organization dedicated to empowering and training queer, trans, and allied youth leaders through leadership trainings, activist camps, and community organizing to promote racial and gender equity in schools.

  • HRC: Human Rights Campaign | Advocates for LGBTQ equality for all; includes state guides and other resources to take action

  • InterACT | Advocates for intersex youth

  • Lambda Legal | Legal Support and Rights Includes Resources for Queer Youth by State and Resources for Changing Your Name/Gender Markers on Documents.

  • LGBTQ+ Victory Fund | Works to achieve and sustain equality by increasing the number of openly LGBTQ+ elected officials at all levels of government, ensuring they reflect the diversity of the communities they serve.

  • LGBTQ+ Victory Institute | Invests in the next generation of LGBTQ+ public leaders to support a strong pipeline for those pursuing public service. Achieves and sustains equality through leadership development, training, research, and convenings, increasing the number and diversity of openly LGBTQ+ elected and appointed officials globally.

  • MAP: Movement Advancement Project | Independent nonprofit think tank providing research, resources like LGBTQ+ equality maps by state and issue, and education on various policies to advance conversations, shape policies, and foster collaboration for equality and opportunity for all.

  • The Matthew Shepard Foundation | Outreach, advocacy, and resource programs

  • The National LGBT Bar Association

  • NBJC: National Black Justice Coalition | Civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black LGBTQ and same-gender loving (SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS

  • The National LGBTQ Task Force | Training and mobilizing millions of activists across our nation to deliver a world where you can be you

  • NerdWallet: LGBTQ Financial Planning Guide

  • NCLR: The National Center for Lesbian Rights | Legal organization dedicated to advancing the civil and human rights of LGBTQ+ individuals and families through litigation, advocacy, and public education.

  • Open to All® | Nonprofit campaign uniting over 200 organizations and half a million businesses to promote a national nondiscrimination initiative, ensuring everyone is welcomed and respected, regardless of their identity.

  • Out & Equal Workplace Advocates | Nonprofit dedicated to advancing LGBTQ+ workplace equity, inclusion, and belonging through partnerships with Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and transformative events, striving to create environments where all employees can thrive and contribute.

  • OUR Restroom | Educates business owners on gender-neutral stall restrooms

  • Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative (SNaP Co.) | A Black, trans, and queer-led, broad-based collaborative in Atlanta, GA; works to end criminalization and gender-based violence.

  • Soulforce | Works to end the religious and political oppression of LGBTQI people by breaking open the ideologies of Christian Supremacy and healing our communities’ spirits from Spiritual Violence.

  • SONG: Southerners on New Ground | Membership-based organization dedicated to building a beloved community of LGBTQ individuals in the South, uniting marginalized groups to challenge oppression and promote liberation, dignity, and justice for all.

  • SRLP: The Sylvia Rivera Law Project | Works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination, or violence.

  • Trans in the South: Resource + Services Guide by Campaign for Southern Equality | Directory of 400+ trans-friendly health service providers in 13 Southern states in areas like Primary Care, HIV Care, Endocrinology, Legal Resources, and Mental Health.

  • Trans Lifeline Microgrants | Monthly microgrants and support to help with a legal name change and updating your government identification documents. Includes Passport, Driver’s License, State ID, Court Order Name Change, and Immigration Documents. The distribution of microgrants is currently paused due to financial uncertainty.

  • Transgender Law Center | National trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Supports many in the community through organizing, education, and advocacy towards a long-term, national, trans-led movement for liberation.

  • Unity Coalition | Coalición Unida | Advocates for equality and fairness for the Hispanic, Indigenous, and LGBTQi+ community of color in Southern Florida through education, leadership, and awareness, with programming in Miami and Bogotá.

  • Who is my Representative? | Helps you find your U.S. Congress representatives by searching a database using your zip code or state. Provides contact information for your representative and links to additional information about them.

  • The Williams Institute | Conducts independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. Ensures that facts—not stereotypes—inform laws, policies, and judicial decisions that affect the LGBT community.

More to Consider



Anti-LGBT harassment is one of the most pervasive, frightening, and potentially damaging threats LGBT students face in our public schools. If you’re being bullied, called names, threatened, or physically harmed at your school because of your sexual orientation, you don’t have to take it! This ACLU page lays out various policies governing the rights of all students – including LGBT students – to be free from harassment in public schools, as well as resources to help you respond to and stop harassment in situations in which schools are not doing their part to protect students’ rights. To check out the tips, download the PDF file here.


An Ally’s Guide to Talking About Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBT People provides conversation approaches to help build and sustain solid, lasting support for nondiscrimination laws, and also factually and effectively address concerns that might be raised when discussing the need for such laws. Among them: emphasize the values that are at the heart of people’s existing support for non-discrimination; explain why nondiscrimination protections are important and needed; share stories and model people’s journey toward solid support; and help conflicted audiences think through and calm their own anxieties—all while avoiding missteps that can inadvertently intensify those concerns.